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Friday, January 29, 2010

Why my blogging is bogged down

Photo by my friend Cynthia Cheney.

Did you EVER see a cuter puppy? Me neither. Murphy is about nine months old, a Corgi mix. I'd love to know where he got the black ear fringes and muzzle. Something small, hairy, and really busy. Any guesses? He's about 24 pounds, so I think German Shepherd is out.

We agreed to be a foster home after Thanksgiving, and of course one thing led to another, and now we would probably throw ourselves in front of a train rather than give him up. That said, let us not forget how much of your day a puppy wants to occupy. Two walks a day totaling over an hour, random episodes of sitting on the floor and petting him, endless inspections of what he is chewing on NOW. And so on.

I should have some pithy observations about dog behavior and our relationship with canine companions or perhaps the carbon footprint of pet ownership or my efforts at clicker training. But no. Just a cute picture. Maybe later... Right now, I've got to go make liver treats.


Evan Lewis said...

Yeah, I must admit he's about as cute as a non-wienie dog can be. Small, hairy and busy? Did his ma have any gentleman callers named Cheetah?

Susan said...

Of course there isn't a cuter puppy! I'm happy that I get to be his "auntie." - Susan

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